Monday, January 4, 2010

Where were you 10 years ago?

Q: Where were you 10 years ago?
A: Probably avoiding studying then too.

I've written my letters... Two this time. One for next year, and one for 2020 (AH! 2020!). And while some of the things in them are too personal to share here, there are a few I'm willing to answer.

So here are a few excerpts (cut down for censorship reasons) from my "Decade letter":

1st off... I miss-wrote Jan 1st... so I pointed out my "typo" and called myself a spa.

  1. Where were you 10 years ago?

    Darn that Y2k nonsense! If I remember correctly, I spent NYE at Drew's house as per usual... black tie?

    Highlights: Slinky black velvet dress, Glen in a tux, Soooo many cookies... Sleeping under the Christmas tree, leaving at 8am for basketball... And frozen Mt.Dew as a breakfast slushie

    That was mid-senior year of high school. Accepted, but not committed to Notre Dame; captain of basketball and upcoming softball; working on yearbook, SEB, Student Council, Peer Helpers (Eve is fuzzy); and 2 steps shy of an absolute burnout... 17 years old and you thought the world would stop turning without you. Guess what, it didn't. But there was a minor slow-down...

  2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

    Alive. Let's start there. 37 years old... geographically speaking, I have NO idea...

  3. What have you learned in the past 10 years?

    Making plans is like peeing in the ocean...
    You're loveable...
    You're smart...
    You're a tough cookie!...

  4. Finish the following: 2000 was the decade of ____, 2010 will be the decade of ____.
    Growing pains... Chaotic peace...
That's all I'm really willing to share from that letter. I'm hoping I can hang on to it long enough to have it come 2020... Perhaps it's time I invested in a safety deposit box?

Hope the new year is treating you all well!

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