Sunday, January 24, 2010

Anaestheti... Ooooh look at the Kitty!

(If you don't read A Softer World - - I highly recommend it)

Week 1 down, which means I'm done with anaesthetics. Nice.

I wish I could say that I enjoyed Anaesthetics. Before I dump on it though, let me say this: The SPR in charge of the rotation right now is brilliant. She's lovely, an excellent teacher, and she makes the whole thing extremely accessible. I learned more from her than I did with the lectures on my own before my writtens and she made it a point not to waste our time by just re-teaching those (seeing as we had already studied them for the aforementioned and completed written exams). So to her, a solid tip of the hat. Now, why I didn't have a good time - quite simple really. I am 100% exhausted and wound up running a fever Wed-Sat. I don't know that it's appropriate for me to be bouncing around the ICU with a fever (read: it's not appropriate). But I only get one week of anaesthetics teaching all year, and I feel like 1) I'm not really allowed to miss it and 2) I don't want to miss the only opportunity to learn how to intubate before I stumble across it in an emergency situation. Fingers crossed we re-learn at ATLS later this year. But for those of you who still have that week of anaesthetics, it's not as horrendous as it was last semester. I promise.

I haven't managed to accomplish very much this weekend. Partially from feeling crummy and sick, partially from being at the intern exam in Bmont yesterday, partially from an afternoon meeting, and mostly because I didn't get out of bed until noon today (but really... When do I EVER do that?). I did, however, manage to pack up the christmas decorations and start the cleaning process that HAS to happen before my mom gets here. I refuse to let my flat be a mess for my mom... Plus, dinner party on the Sat, and I like it to be clean for that kinda thing too.

Week 2: Resp med. With whom? I don't know. I actually asked and the request for information blew up the computer on which the information was contained... Not sure what to do now. Maybe I'll just pick one? I'm going to take it easy this week. I'm getting better. Not 100% yet, but I'm getting there. I feel like there is just SO much life stuff to get done, and not much time allocated to do so. Like, oh, loans. And a PPS number. And... who knows what else. Need to get on that. Then I'm going to start learning some new stuff too, or at least start studying something again.

(Proof that I actually go out sometimes. Thanks Joan! And the Swan... Cheers meets Backer)

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