Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to make a present

So... I like a challenge. And sometimes, I look for a good reason for a challenge. And sometimes, I just make up a reason for a challenge. But every once in a while, things come together and I don't need to manipulate the situation.

Last Tuesday was Des' birthday (Happy Birthday!). Now, some of you may remember that I made some nifty cupcakes for Muireann's birthday. I wanted to do something different, but equally cool... Yeah, I'm a showoff. So here's my step-by-step guide to making a "present."

1. Make a plan. I know that's sideways, but that's what I up and did while sitting in Starbucks one day. I should have coloured my blueprints :)

2. Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients... There's nothing more annoying that getting started and finding out that you're actually missing something important. (and before you ask about the gloves... just wait...)

3. Wear an apron. Any apron will do, but if it's a fun one that you like (with a pocket for your mobile/timer) it makes everything just that much more fun!

4. Start the mixing!!! mmm... melted chocolate... There was actually a lot of mixing, because I made a lot of cake... And a lot of fondant wrap. All the fondant was white when I started, and I individually dyed the sections... Hence why I needed the gloves. I don't want to imagine the colour my hands would still be if I hadn't worn gloves!

5. Get to work... I tend to multi-task as I go. So as one was baking, I was washing dishes, or frosting, or cooling, or mixing more batter, or colouring the fondant... I couldn't tell you how long it took start to finish. I suspect about 4 hours. But that's only because I do multiple things at once. I'd dread doing something like this without that ability!

Top layer is made of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and then lime green fondant wrapping. There were teal polka-dots added after I took this picture. The middle layer is made of red velvet cake with vanilla frosting and teal fondant wrapping, kept plain. The bottom layer is chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and then teal fondant wrapping with lime green stripes. As a final touch, I made navy ribbon...

6. Stack 'em up! Now, if you notice, the other presents are "similarly wrapped." There's a reason for the colour scheme... It's a long story, but it was on purpose. So it was all matchy-matchy :)

7. The last step is to put on candles and light them. I used "angel" candles that burn different colours, and I have a photo that somewhat shows the colours... But I think it makes it look a little like a Dr. Seuss cake? Don't get me wrong, I think it looks great!, but it does look a little Seussical, no?

You do of course need to throw in a birthday boy. Preferably a happy one. And enjoy the cake!!!

Ps: Yes, it did in fact taste really good too.


Roblo said...

I must say, this gave me an incredible idea to surprise my wife. Thanks for posting this awesome cake idea.

Unknown said...

Yum! That does look good.

Samuel said...

Loved the idea which will help me bringing smile on face of my little daughter. This is something helpful for me who don't know how to do this.