Thursday, April 14, 2011

Deep breaths

Finally a bit of good news...

Ok, it's not a bit, it's a huge chunk, a meteor of good news. I have my jobs for the next 2 years. I accepted the offer nearly straight out. It's a training scheme job (so it's protected), I'll be in Dublin for 75% of the time (and commutable for the other 25% if I'd like), the order of my rotations is practically perfect (I couldn't have designed it better myself), I'll stay in my current flat for another year (so no moving at the moment, woo hoo), and I can get by without really needing my car for the first year (sorry, Timmy, you're going to be upgraded eventually).

This is such an immense relief for me. Sinead said she could see me visibly decompressing... I feel better. It doesn't change what's happened in the past few weeks, and it can't make everything better. But from the job front, that concern is gone now. I can plan for things again. I can keep nesting my flat. I stay in Dublin. Whew...

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