Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Year - New Job

Welcome to Drog, Welcome to Medicine, and Welcome to... well... I don't even know what to say about this.

The mental shift from surgery to medicine is taking me a bit of time. After 6 months of being decisive, cutting, stitching, and sending home, I've found myself with patients that on average are in hospital for months. The mean age has increased, the average amount of time with us has increased, but I have the distinct feeling that what I'm actually doing for the patients is bottoming out at less. The pace is slower, the ward rounds are longer, and the "let's see if this works" takes longer to see than in surgery.

While this is all going on, I've a few things on the front burner - like SHO applications. The most recent landmark of which was a 24hr delay in finding out about interviews. And in my mad panic, Bren reminded me that after 5 years here, I should be darn used to it... And I've come to expect it... But I'm a worrier. And not hearing anything had me sweating. Interviews are coming up soon... Ugh, I need a new suit.

On a similar vein, how the hell has it become February?! There's a part of me that can hardly believe that I'm a month into my new rotation, a month into medicine, and over halfway through my intern year... It's flying. I think in a good way, but in the back of my mind, I'm realising that I'm going to be an SHO soon. That's scary... That's really really scary.

The French are in town this weekend for the Six Nations Rugby... This does not please me. First of all, Rugby weekends make it nearly impossible to do the things you do every weekend just to keep the house running and yourself fed. Second, the French tend to make more of a mess of city centre (not rubbish mess, just walking/pedestrian rushhour mess) than the other blokes that come around. Third, some jerk knocked me clean off my feet yesterday. I've a bruise that covers the bulk of my left side (thigh to mid back) and my neck is killing me... Merde.

Monday is bringing my least favourite holiday, what I tend to call "Singles Awareness Day" or SAD for short. It's one of the worst days to be single... Having everyone remind you that you're single... At least there's a lot of good chocolate around. Mmn Chocolate!

And I think I'm going to leave it at that... Chocolate. Yum... Happy thought of the day.

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