Monday, February 21, 2011

A lovely day break.

So... What do you do on a Sunday night in Dublin?

I have a few suggestions:

  1. Spring Cleaning. Maybe it was the sunlight and mild weather on Saturday, but I did a massive cleaning of the flat. And since the place looks and smells clean, I bought flowers. The place has a fresh look and feel... Which makes it much nicer to come home to.

  2. Bake cupcakes. Much to the chagrin of my roommate, I'm working on certain baking skills, including what I'm going to call "Gourmet Cupcakes." I bake because it's cathartic, and relaxing, and you have a sharable happiness that comes out of it (as long as you don't burn it). Now, this time around I was making cupcakes for a friend's birthday... And I was putting a little extra on it. It was an experiment. I've never tried anything like it before. But I have to say, they turned out quite nicely, no? I think I'm going to be attempting a few more creative designs in the near future... In all this spare time that I don't actually have... Whatever. Watch this space. But I owe my roomie an apology for torturing her all day with the constant, "Hey, look at them now!" and then telling her we couldn't eat them yet... Sorry.

  3. Catch a show. Saw a fantastic concert last night at the Olympia. First of all, they didn't lose power (sorry Coronas... I know it wasn't your fault, but that did make it a rough evening), though there was a moment with a bunk guitar... Fixed and show barely paused. The openers were a group called The Shoos - a Dublin based band, eclectic group of lads, but a great sound. I'm hoping to see them again in the future (and given that they're opening for a few more bands in the Dublin area, I'm sure I will). Good luck to them with the EP coming out in April! The Shoos were opening for Lifehouse... a band that I've been listening to for more than a decade, but have been around longer than that. Most people know them for their softer, ballad songs, but I will say this: Lifehouse ROCKED. Good job guys! Returning to Dublin for the first time in 9 years, they went through their whole catalog of music, which was brilliant... and a little bittersweet. It was almost like taking a tour through my past dating life... I've had a few of their songs intimately tied to a significant other, including songs being dedicated to me, sung to me, or being 'our song'. It would have been awkward had the songs still made me cry... seeing as the company I was in... But I do have to reiterate, Lifehouse was brilliant! They need to come back to Dublin more often. I'd see them again in a heartbeat.
  4. Remember the closing time of the public ramp you park your car in... Yeah, that one is a little self-explanatory. Sorry for being a brat about the bill. Sorry for delaying that last 10 minutes. I'm glad we rescued your car!! It would have been fine if we couldn't, but I'm glad we did...
All these things served 2 main purposes... 1. Happy Birthday Muireann! (I hope you had fun!) 2. I'm avoiding thinking about how stressed I am for the impending SHO interview on Thursday...

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