Sunday, May 15, 2011


Everybody knows
It sucks to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what
The years go on and
We're still fighting it...
~ Ben Folds

I know we're now just mid-May, but I have the sneaking suspicion that the time between now and July is going to disappear faster than cocktail sausages at fat kid's picnic.

I have a pile of things to do on my desk, things that keep landing in via post. I have to re-register with the medical council, I have to fill out my employment papers for my next job, I have to sign a new lease agreement soon, I'm re-insuring my car, I've tried to re-NCT my car, my taxes are actually due back home.

It's almost harder to believe that intern year is nearly over. Well, it is and it isn't... The final meds have their results and a large portion of them are off in Portugal to celebrate (Have fun, Be safe, God speed!). Come July, more specifically, 57 days from now (yeah... that's the countdown working there) I'm no longer an intern; I'm an SHO... It's debatable how much that actually means when it comes to Paediatrics; it's not like I'll have an intern... Back to the bottom of the pile... But I know the expectations change. And I wonder if I'm ready for that. I know I've been whinging about the current situation I have at work (Liz, the first-year-qualified acting reg slash intern)... But at the end of the day, I am still an intern. I do still depend on the experience of those working above and around me. The only reason the current situation is working out is that me boss is very accessible and encouraging and the others on my team are extremely pleasant to work with.

From a long-term perspective, I see 2 more weeks being reg-less, one week of which is heavy with call... A week off... A bank holiday... A week on... A week with my baby bro in town :) ... A family reunion on the other side of the pond! ... A weekend on call... Two weeks... Then sayonara internship... Scary.

For those of you that don't know, I'll be kicking off the new job as a paeds SHO in the ED. 3 months of straight paeds emergency. I figure it'll be a great way to determine if it's where I want to end up eventually. Not gonna lie, I already have the books out. I do need to brush up on my paeds, and I want to hit the ground running. But I can't think of a better place to start. Colour me excited.

So for the next 57 days, I'm trying to balance my busyness with my exhaustion with my excitement. Some tennis to keep me sane, some running again to get the lads in shape, and yoga for myself. Time with friends, time to study, time to work, time for call, time with the family back home. Bit of cleaning, bit of purging, bit of re-arranging the flat. Welcome to the life of an intern.

Also, from facebook... I've discovered that my 6th graders are about to be high school seniors!!! Oh my word!!!

PS: Sinead, please come home... miss you! And Des, CAKE!

1 comment:

Shinners said...

Writing this from the balcony in Portugal! Catch you in a few days. Sin