Saturday, December 25, 2010

On All Things Christmas


Happy happy Christmas to everyone! How is everyone spending this day? I have to admit, I was dreading today. The idea of being away from home on Christmas was bad enough, but the idea of being alone on Christmas had me fairly worked up. You know what? Today is great.

First of all, my family celebrated Christmas last week. We were all together, we had a full Christmas day, dinner, presents, party, games... Yes, mom, we played a ton of games just like you wanted. For some reason, the day didn't seem as hectic as it usually does. It was relaxed, peaceful, it was really nice. And when we needed something from the store, we could actually go get it (since it was the 18th, not the 25th). And let's be honest, there was a butt-load of snow on the ground when I got home. I had wanted to make a snowman, but there was no space! We had roughly 5 1/2 ft, and I couldn't use the very little cleared sidewalk to build one. I did find time to play with the cat... and annoy her by taking a picture :) We did manage a full family picture.

Before I left home, I had the chance to meet a few friends for food or coffee or a chat or really just about anything. I also got to see my brother's new house (his stocking is pictured at the right)... and their cat, who is now bigger than Zade... crazy! I think the static electricity from the carpets is making Stella grow fast.

I had a rough trip back to Ireland. Where the weather was the issue leaving, getting back was a bout of food poisoning (I think) that had the long flight from Atlanta to Dublin seeming much much longer... and with bouts of vomiting. To add to the misery, every 5th seat or so was a child under the age of 2... crying. But I was back to work on Tuesday, on call Wednesday, and while the week leading up to Christmas is normally mad busy, hectic, this week was calm. I took Thursday night to visit one of my best friends (out in the TUNDRA that is the midlands at the moment... Yes, the midlands are freezing. Pretty, but freezing) and had a wonderful night in. And a great long sleep into Christmas Eve.

So what am I doing today? On my own in Dublin? Actually, I'm not on my own. My neighbour wound up stranded, so we're having a lovely day in. Slept in late, went to mass, had brunch, am trying to stay warm (yay for the penguin slippers!), and am watching a bunch of silly movies. Number one on the list was... Home Alone! That's right, John Hughes defined my childhood, and I decided that it was an appropriate Christmas day movie. There are a few things I've to do tomorrow, but there's no rush.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. I'll be back before the new year.

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