Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things that Suck

For this next post, I'm going to have a running list of things that suck when you have broken ribs. (I realize that having broken ribs sucks a good deal on its own, but I'm going for the in addition to category here).


Things that you never knew could be so painful:
* Sleeping
* Breathing
* Laughing
* Coughing
* Pooping
* Sitting up
* Pushing yourself up
* Shampooing your hair
* Trying to walk to the front of the bus when it stops suddenly
* Burping
* Closing your bra when you get dressed
* Hiccuping
* Singing

I'll keep adding as I discover new things.


PS: This is awesome. Go Rev Jenkins.


Unknown said...

Hang in there lady! It sucks that everything sucks.

tom said...

I hear hugs aren't very nice either. Are you almost better yet?