So... it's been a while. And it's not as though I'm going to be any less busy. So before I try to get back into the weekly updates, I'm just going to throw up an old post from facebook. It was one of those chains that went around yonks ago. I'll update it soon. But for now, a re-introduction to the me that was in SC-I:
25 random things:
1. I'm much more tell than show, much more truth than dare. But I do walk the walk.
2. I'm a rebel... I break rules left and right. Actually no, I don't. I'm a by the book kind of girl, most of the time. But I know how to bend the rules and when to break them outright.
3. I'm trying to travel around Europe as much as possible before I have to really buckle down and work. To some, this will be when I graduate med school. To others, this is when GP ends and I'm into the Paeds-Obgyn back to back slap followed by exams. It's debatable. But I just got back from Prague and have a flight booked for Berlin.
4. I think I've become both more laid back in life and more uptight since high school... Which is weird.
5. Teachers are amazing. I was one, I may go back to that eventually. But I decided that becoming a doctor was easier than being an educator. That's crazy.
6. Speaking of crazy, I am. Admittedly. Which I'm totally ok with. I like being a little out there. I'm not bat shit crazy, but I have my moments of insanity and I think they're unique and special.
7. I keep a blog. Ostensibly, this is to make it easier to keep my friends around the world up-to-date on my random life happenings. Really, it's because I'm so used to keeping a journal and I like to think I'm important enough to read about.
8. I used to think dancing in the rain and jumping in puddles were great ideas. Then I moved to Ireland. I will still play in summer storms back in MN, but the rain here is cold and infinite and the puddles are not good for my work clothes. I think I'm a grown up. When did that happen?
9. Thanks to technology, I watch a ridiculous amount of American TV here in Ireland. I'm up to date on House, Chuck, Dexter, HIMYM, Bones, DSM, Burn Notice, and NCIS (a guilty pleasure).
10. I love to read. In spite of the "in your leisure time" reading I have to do to stay on top of my studies, I still love a good book... or a cheap quick fun POS airport novel. Recently, I've read "25 in Mississippi" by (my friend) William Priestley, "Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex" and "Twilight" (sadly, yes... I read Twilight)
11. I've finished 2 marathons and have the sick desire to run another one... or try my hand at triathlons.
12. People absolutely fascinate me. And sometimes I confuse fascination with attraction. I'm working on that one.
13. I have a framed comic on my wall that looks like a poster to promote reading, but if you look closely, the person is reading porn... I think it's hilarious.
14. I've tried my hand at a lot of things, drawing and painting, writing, teaching, dancing, psychology, philosophy, theology, video editing. And there's proof of all of these endeavors. I'm good at a lot of things. I haven't decided what I'm great at yet.
15. I am a bleeding heart. This makes me want to take in strays, heal the wounded, and date the wrong people. It's led to me to trust the wrong people, do the wrong thing when I'm trying to do right, and more than once, I've been badly hurt. So... My heart is a little battered and bruised, and yes, still bleeding. But it's still in one piece.
16. Becoming a doctor changes how you see the world, how you see people, how you see death. It has to. If you're afraid of death, you're going to fall apart as a doctor. I'm slowly learning that it's ok to change the way you see things as long as you don't let it harden your heart.
17. I've lived in quite a few random places: Edina, MN; Toronto, Canada; South Bend, IN; Mission, Tx; Charlotte, NC; Dublin, Ireland. And I travel a lot. I call both MN and Dublin "home" and that's confusing sometimes. But I think that "home" really is all about the people. Because you can move house a lot. Home is something you share with others.
18. My older brother is getting married. This means 3 big things: 1 - Dan is a grown up... Weird. 2 - I'm going to have a sister! Yay! 3 - If the whole marriage pressure thing gets put on me, I'm throwing the grandkids pressure on Dan.
19. I miss having pets. I miss Abbey and Zadie. I thought about getting a dog, but I don't have the time for one right now, and it wouldn't be fair to the dog. I thought about getting a cat, but I'm sortof allergic to them, and my roommates don't want one. I thought about getting a goldfish, but then I realised that it'd just be a disappointment that I can't pet it and it can't learn tricks. Maybe I need a boyfriend.
20. I am both ridiculously organized AND hilariously messy. It frequently looks as though a small tornado went through my room, or that my closet vomited on the floor. But I know where everything is, I clean my bathroom to a shine once a week, and I have a schedule and plan for just about everything. I have to in order to keep up with my life.
21. I love music. I sing a lot... just rarely in public. Though I'll sing with the choirs. I sing in church (even if Brent laughs at me). I sing in the shower (sorry roomies). And there's always music playing in my head. I have a soundtrack for my life. Just ask, I'll tell you what's playing.
22. I'm Catholic. I go to church. I pray. Sometimes people ask me how I can be a doctor and still go to church. I couldn't be a doctor without my faith.
23. The question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" scares the piss out of me.
24. Right now, my favorite insult is to call someone a "knob." I think it's going to become a permanent thing in my vocabulary.
25. I don't like bullshit. I'm really good at "playing the game" and "being a good listener" But after a while, I like to call a spade a spade. I don't like playing games with people (and girls play SO many games... which is stupid). I can be blunt sometimes. This has worked, and on occasion this has failed miserably. Maybe it goes back to that trusting the wrong people thing. It's all about pots and kettles.