Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Health Care

I'm not normally an angry person, but sometimes I can't stand going to doctors. Yes, I'm currently on the path to become a doctor myself; I see the irony. But further, I'm a horrible patient. Not n0n-compliant, not withholding, just angry. I can't stand having to convince another person that there's something wrong with me. I know my body. I know when something isn't right. I shouldn't have to put together a sales pitch to get the care I need. I know the buzz words, I could make a great story, but I like to consider myself honest.

This is why I don't want to become a GP. I don't want to have to make the judgment call between someone who is sick and someone who is faking, someone who needs an antibiotic and one who doesn't, someone who is lying and someone is telling the truth. It's irritating. And because I'm a bleeding heart, I'd err on the side of trusting a patient for better or worse.

I know it sounds weird when a patient comes into the office and tells the doctor, "I really don't throw up... it doesn't happen to me, except it did." Or, "I've been running a fever... no 99* is really high for me, resting is normally 97.5*." And best of all, "I'm exhausted. Not normal tired... I realize I do a lot. But I can normally do much more on much less sleep." Anyone who knows me knows that I work myself to the bone and somehow manage to come out the other side quite fine. When I have to repeatedly cancel things because I'm feeling "unwell," there's something wrong.

Up next on the docket, gastroenterology and an OGD. Woot. I'll let you know how that goes.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe you! You are honest and I know you know you- better than anyone else. Give um hell Liz.